Henri Nouwen — Podcast Episodes — Potter's Inn

Henri Nouwen

Episode 126- Courage for Caregivers with Marjorie Thompson

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On our final podcast for this season, Steve has a remarkable and soulful conversation with author, teacher, and leader Majorie Thompson. They discuss her long friendship with Henri Nouwen and her roles as an author, spiritual director, publisher, and eventual care giver to her own mother and mother in law, which shifted her role and required sacrifices and humility. It’s a beautiful conversation and we look forward to you joining us for it!

About Our Guest

Marjorie J. Thompson is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church USA. She received her Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from Swarthmore College, and her Master of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary. Following a post-graduate pastoral internship, she became a Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School where she studied Christian spirituality with Henri Nouwen and did independent research in ecumenical traditions of prayer.

She has served as director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership and as spiritual director to Companions in Christ, a program outgrowth of the Pathways initiative of The Upper Room.

She is the author of Family, The Forming Center and Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life.. She is a widely sought retreat leader, teacher, and speaker in the area of Christian spirituality. She and her husband John live in Kingston Springs, Tennessee.

Resources Mentioned in Podcast


  • Music Break at 34:52: Cathedral of the Pines by Tim Janus

  • Music Break at 1:09:07: Be Thou My VIsion - Nathan Pacheco







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Episode 13 - Becoming the Beloved

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