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NOTE: We are returning to our previous schedule of one podcast a week, every Tuesday. However, our topics will continue to address the challenges we are currently facing.
In today’s world of accusations of “fake news” and the erosion of “who can you trust?”—this podcast is important. Steve sits down with author, counselor, and teacher Sharon Hersh to have a truthful and personal conversation about what is like to be diagnosed, live with, and recover from Covid-19. Sharon’s voice and work is important in the world of soul care. Her books have impacted us in Potter’s Inn work because of her honest, Scriptural, and insightful way she talks about addiction, recovery, our true identity, and being the Beloved.
In this world of pandemic fears, this conversation is one that we’d ask you to SHARE to your social networks and people in your sphere of influence. Why are we asking this of you? Because SHARING is the best way to get the word out about the podcast and its resources! Please, listen first! Then think of four or five friends you can pass this along to this week. It’s important and you’ll see why once you listen!
About Sharon Hersh
Sharon A. Hersh M.A., LPC is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, and author. She has written several books, including the popular Bravehearts: Unlocking the Courage to Love with Abandon, four books in the Hand-in-Hand Parenting Series, The Last Addiction: Why Self-Help is Not Enough. Her latest book Belonging: Finding the way back to One Another will be released in Fall 2020. She is an adjunct professor in graduate counseling courses, including Sex and Sexuality and Addiction at Colorado Christian University, Mars Hill Graduate School, and Reformed Theological Seminary. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and retreats. Hersh lives in Lone Tree, Colorado.
Belonging: Finding the Way Back to One Another - new book from Sharon, available August 2020
Creating Space for our Souls in a Critical Time - Steve shares with us how he copes with being quarantined by reading poetry.
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