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Social Distancing – a word that is all too familiar right now. If you are quarantined at home, you may be experiencing some side effects from your attempt at social distancing… loneliness, isolation, fear, insecurity. Yet relationships and social connection is crucial to our physical and emotional self – especially during these trying times. How do we achieve true community while stuck at home?
Today will be a beautiful discussion with Steve and Gwen on how to move from loneliness and isolation to solitude and experiencing the presence of God.
Things we can do practically to re-order our life:
1. Read Psalms of lament – Deep, moving, courageous prayers and poems we can use in our grief.
2. Think of this time as a benefit, to either ourselves or others.
3. Pray for the vulnerable and lonely.
4. Reach out to others – example: send an card or email saying “I’ve been thinking about you.”
5. Sit in quietness – alone and with God, at least 15 minutes - “A Deep Abiding”
a. Read “Ascending the Mountain Within”
6. Prayer of Relaxation – SEE Moment to Breathe below
a. Prayer to practice with your body each day
NOTE: During this critical time, we will begin releasing two podcasts a week (Tuesday and Friday). Each will be in relation to this new reality we are experiencing. This Friday’s podcast will be on the Enneagram and how each of us, with our own unique number, deals with these times.
Email us at with any prayer requests - we will make sure it is lifted up.
Lamentations 3 (The Message)
“Inside Job” by Stephen W. Smith
“Wholeheartedness” by Chuck DeGrott
Three Core Questions of Every Soul Podcast from Season 1
“Ascending the Mountain Within” by Stephen W. and Gwen Smith
“Stand together, yet not too near together, Where the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.” –From The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran (Knopf, 1923).
Moment to Breathe - Prayer of Relaxation with Gwen Smith
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